Monday, August 13, 2012

Back To School

Have you missed us?!
Whats harder than making sure that you have blog posts? Making sure that you have posts during summer... when all your kids are home 24/7 and you need to be a cruise ship activities coordinator for 2-3 months solid. :)
Well we sort of did ok for a few weeks... here and there. But we have neglected you the past few weeks. But the good news is that all the big bubba's in our houses go back to school THIS WEEK!!! (Que the best back to school commercial EVER)

Now please note that we LOVE all of our kids and LOVE having them around, but lets be honest, our local Target misses us! And there is NO way that we are going anywhere except out front (we're neighbors) with ALL of these kids..... we've tried it a few times... it's NO fun. Can you picture us in IKEA with 8 kids? Well let me tell you that the uber cool FREE child care is AWESOME, but the time goes WAY too quick and there is a minimum and maximum age, and we have quite an age range around here.
So, as you can imagine we already have a back to school bucket list planned for this year. No, really, we do! All of the older bubbas will be in school FULL day (the first time that everyone is full day, every day, since we became friends)
Here are a FEW things that are on our Back to School Bucket list (in no particular order):
*Thrift Stores
*Habitat Re-Store
*Tai Pan
*Target (naturally)
*Michael's (for more than a 5 min trip)
*JoAnn's (we will BOTH have time to stand in the long line to get fabric cut then the long line to check out)
*Hobby Lobby (no need to rush in when as soon as they open every time)
*Second Chances Barn
*LONG lunches
......The list is MUCH longer.... but you get the idea

(Looking back at this list..... we better start saving some $$$$) ;)

And one more way we are celebrating is that there is a brand new Panera being built across the parking lot from our Target!!! I'm feeling a new blog series coming on :)

You will see us again very soon. As you may have noticed, we have lots of fun coming up and we will be sharing everything with you.
In the mean time, keep up to date with us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram: @bubbasbasics
And you can shop any time at

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